My Story
Headaches. That was it, that was all I noticed. For a couple of months I was having headaches off and on. Nothing crazy, just "that's annoying, my head hurts again." Then on 2/14/19 I thought I was having a migraine. I left work early, went home and laid in a dark quiet room. It improved but never went away. I already had an appointment scheduled with my physician that following Monday. I was lucky enough she ordered an MRI, and on Feb. 21 my life changed forever. I was told they found a brain tumor. Things moved quickly after that, and I saw a neurosurgeon that same day. It was clear the first step was to remove the tumor and surgery was scheduled within a week. It took a month to get the final diagnosis, Grade IV Glioblastoma. My life was set on a new path and here is the place to follow my journey.