Time for an update. When I heard back from my care team the decision was made to do one more month of the low dose chemo and then check another scan. It was a decision that was a little nerve wracking. I wanted to feel like I was attacking this as hard as I could and I wasn't sure I was any more. I do have complete faith and confidence in my doctors. We were doing low dose to keep my blood counts stable in case something drastic did happen I would be able to move forward with whatever was needed. If my blood counts dropped again there would be more of a delay. It all made sense. The last thing I ever want to do is delay anything!
Of course it is never simple, I did 1 weeks worth of the chemo and started having headaches. Now, when I say headaches I mean the exact same pain I had when this all started. When it lasted 2 full days without going away I let the doctors know. My next appointment was 2 weeks out, so they decided they wanted to have me come in sooner for a scan. Total anxiety ensued, but we were given good news. There had not been any change from the previous scan. It was roughly about 2.5 weeks earlier so the doctor said that would have been a big problem if there was a change, but it looked exactly the same. The news made us so happy! I know that things had spread previously but it was now holding steady. What we were doing was working so that is all we need to do for now. I will continue on low dose chemo every other week for about six weeks. I will also continue to monitor my blood counts once a week. It feels good to have a plan that goes into November. Obviously I've learned that things can change quickly but for now I am just going to keep on going.
I have also been informed of a study that is out there. We don't know detail about it, just that they inject you with a type of vaccine to promote your own immune system attack the tumor. In order for it to work you need to have certain markers present in your blood. We had my blood tested and I do have the markers. It is nice to know there will be another option available if we get to that point. There is more screening I would have to do, but it certainly helps to make me feel more optimistic about things.
In the mean time I am just doing my best to keep enjoying life and make memories. I'm getting ready for the brain tumor 5K this Saturday. Might be a cold slow walk but I am sure lucky I am able to do it. There are people out there worse off than me. I am just trying to always remember, I am one of the lucky ones.
